Nefeli Livieratou
No Tears for the Creatures of the Night
Tuesdays 22:00 – 23:00
A weekly attempt to share stories, thoughts and feelings in the form of music.

Sundays 21:00-22:00
Constantly shifting between the acoustic and the electronic, bringing together various sonic tea recipes. Enjoy a cup of Kräutertee. Or just dive in it.

Kalinihta Paraskevoula & fronima
Every second Monday 23:00-00:00
Every second Monday, late at night, ”Kalinihta Paraskevoula & fronima” puts you peacefully (especially if you don’t understand greek) to bed

Therena Kingshow
Fetchez La Vache
Every second Tuesday 21:00-22:00
Therena Kingshow’s shows are with a wide range of influences, sometimes with theme of particular genres, but keen to see where songs overlap with other genres either through period, country, structure, lyrics or sounds, to create an overall feel and flow of the mix.

Sunset Boulevard
Every second Thursday 19:30-20:30
There’s a long trip of sounds, thoughts and images made by musical instruments and voices. The guide is placed in the back of your seat.

Nikos Ls
Tuesdays 23:00
Looking to share dark sounds and under-the-radar stories from musicians/artists worldwide.

Sokratis Theodoridis
Bewitching tunes
Welcome to the void, stay a while and listen.

Polemikos Antapokritis
Thursday 20:30 – 21:30
Music is always a journey and as I’m in distance, that’s a way to come a little bit closer.

Χάπι Mess
Happi Tuna
Mondays 20:00 – 21:00

Maria Frastanli
2 Fish & an Elephant
Thursday 22.30-22:30
The Line by Ron Padgett.
There’s an old song
my grandfather used to sing
that has the question,
“or would you rather be a fish?”
In the same song
is the same question
but with a mule and a pig,
but the one I hear sometimes
in my head is the fish one.
Just that one line.
Would you rather be a fish?
As if the rest of the song
didn’t have to be there.

Turn on, Tune in, Drop out
Every second Monday 22:00-23:30
Picking up favorite tunes as well as the stories and facts behind them. A rather psychedelic music show with ups and downs, trying to link subcultures, moods and spacetime.